The demo of the isochrone webapplication has been updated. With the new version it is now possible to calculate isochrones for the first time and to show the result on a map. At the moment this is only usable for some hand-picked locations. It is also not possible to change some of the parameters that are used for the calculation (at the moment only 15min isochrones are calculated for a fixed date). However, the calculation for the city of bolzano is working quite good (although the date field in the settings dialog is ignored).
In addition some major bugs have been fixed. These bugs could break the calculation and even crash the webserver under certain conditions. Furthermore the backend software has been updated. Now the newest version of the apache tomcat server is used (7.0.52). Some libraries have been updated or replaced as well (config-builder and the JSON framework jackson is used now; the postgis-jdbc driver has been updated to the latest version).
The highlights of the new version are:
- Backend updates (as described)
- Better stability of the isochrone calculation (could be achieved by fixing major bugs in the storeArea function)
- Automatic detection if isochrones can be calculated with the UI
- Improved error management between browser and server (messages can be viewed in firebug when the webapplication is used with the “?debug” parameter)
- Added validations of the backend configurations (by using the config-builder library)
- Full validatoin of client/server communication (done with java bean validation)
- Object-oriented JavaScript class design (achieved with RequireJS)
- Reworked database connection pooling (BoneCP is used now)
There are still some open tasks. The full functionality of the ISOGA webapplication (developed at the university of bolzano) has not been re-implemented (by now). The following features are still missing:
- Changing the maximal destination time of the isochrone in the UI (by now only 15min isochrones are calculated)
- Changing the isochrone start date in the UI (at the moment the value in the settings is ignored)
- Display of further information about the isochrone (could be done by using tooltips)
- Progessbar after starting a calculation
- Polygon-Bounds (instead of rectangular bounds) for the configured datasets that are used for detecting of isochrone calculation possibilities (at the moment an isochrone can be calculated in some places in north tyrol, because they overlap with the bounds of the south tyrolean dataset)
If problems and/or questions arise one can get help by using the contact form.